

Hey there!

I'm Mel—psychologist, breathwork facilitator, coach, supervisor, and all-round curious soul. 

My journey into psychology? Well, it started way back in Adelaide. Even as a kid, I was diving deep, asking my mum questions like, "Why was I born?" and "Where do souls come from?"—yep, I was that kid! When my mum faced terminal illness, a psychologist helped me navigate that tough time, and it sparked something in me.

Even so, as a young adult I really struggled to find my identity in the world. I tended to see myself as super hard done by and lacked the drive to pursue my dreams. I got distracted, depressed, destructive, and I felt deeply alone. 

During those years, I tried lots of hats, studied marketing, traveled the world, managed restaurants and bars, and nothing seemed to fit. 

My first child was the wake up call I needed to step out of the victim stance and start directing my own ship! So with the incredible support of my husband, I threw myself back into the books and studied psychology. It was a wild ride—exciting, nerve-wracking, and totally worth it. I started therapy, lived the dream and formed some deeply loving and supportive lifelong friendships. In the past decade I have transformed my life from the inside out using tools taught to me by psychologists, healers, coaches, and breathwork practitioners. And this is the tool kit that I too have cultivated to help YOU!

Now, I've planted roots on the Gold Coast, where life is all about family, friends, swimming, and my new love—running (okay, jogging, if you ask my husband).

What really gets me fired up? People who are all-in on becoming their best selves. I've walked that path, done the work, and know what it takes to thrive emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Now, I’m here to help you do the same.

So, are you ready to dive in? Let’s make some magic happen together!


My special sauce is showing people their unique skills, incredible gifts, and glorious soul by using a blend of psychological, breathwork and coaching tools. I love working with driven people who are ready to make their life amazing and have the guts to go for it.





✺ Registered Psychologist with Forensic Endorsement (AHPRA)

✺ Psychology Board of Australia Approved Supervisor (AHPRA)

✺ Bachelor of Psychology (First Class Honours)

✺ Master of Psychology (Forensic)

✺ Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (Core Training)

✺ Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (Advanced Training), in progress.

✺ Nalu Massage & Breathwork, Breathwork Certification, in progress.



Zenso House was born during one of those super attuned and connected yoga moments—soaking up sunshine in savasana when bam—the name Sol House hit me. But I wanted something that also captured the connection and deep work experienced in therapy. Then I stumbled on the enso—a circle that never ends—and everything clicked. My awesome brand and web designer (message me for her deets) and I mashed up “Sol” for that fiery vitality and growth, with the enso’s endless flow and Zen’s grounding calm. And just like that, Zenso House was born!

Zenso House is your go-to spot for getting connected to yourself and leveling up. We blend the wisdom of psychology, the trust of deeply connected relationships, the breath of life, and the cozy embrace of wellness practices to guide you back to your inner spark. Whether you’re here for a one-on-one deep dive, a group hangout, or an immersive retreat, we’ve got your back.

At Zenso House, you're not just a client—you’re part of a community that’s all about growth, balance, and living your truth. Let's find your groove and light up your path together




I’m all about swimming and giving rollerblading another shot (yep, re-learning those moves!). 

Once upon a time, I was a restaurant manager + studied wine. Thought I might become a sommelier someday. 

I’ve never mastered cartwheels, but hey, there's still time, right?

While I’m currently tattoo-free, I’ve been flirting with the idea of getting one lately. Who knows, maybe one day!

I’ve called many places home, from different corners of Australia to spots overseas, and each adventure has shaped who I am today.

I’m a proud mum to two energetic boys and a dog named Monty (a Maltese x Shitzu), who occasionally lends a paw in the clinic. 

