





I'm all about helping you unlock profound emotional healing and personal growth. Here, we dive deep with evidence-based techniques, personalised care, and a genuine understanding of the human psyche to make sure you get the support and guidance you need to overcome challenges and thrive. I've been in the trenches myself, so I know exactly what it takes to build an extraordinary life.





  • Is your inner voice constantly criticising you? That harsh inner monologue that never seems to let up can be exhausting and defeating.

  • Unsure about what a healthy relationship should even look like? If you’ve never had a model for a positive, supportive connection, figuring out what’s right can feel like a mystery.

  • Feeling like anxiety is running the show? It can be tough to tell if your anxiety is just a false alarm or something you really need to worry about.

  • People say you might have ADHD, but you’re not sure where to start? Navigating the complexities of ADHD or Autism can feel overwhelming, especially when you don’t know where to begin.

  • The weight of past traumas holding you back? Sometimes, past experiences cast long shadows over our present, making it hard to move forward.

  • Feeling burned out from trying to do it all? Juggling the demands of parenting, work, and life can leave you feeling stretched too thin and on the brink of burnout.

  • Want to take care of yourself without needing ongoing support? You might be looking for a way to manage your well-being independently but aren’t sure how to get there.

  • If any of these challenges resonate with you, know that you’re not alone.



✺ Waking up each day with a newfound sense of self-love, where that harsh inner critic has finally quieted down, and you can embrace who you truly are.

✺ Being surrounded by healthy, supportive relationships—ones you’ve built with confidence because you finally know what a meaningful connection looks like. You don’t need to second guess yourself, you know that your people have your back.

✺ Being able to recognise when your anxiety is just a false alarm and when it’s guiding you toward something important. You’re in control of your emotions and you are using them to guide your next steps, not the other way around.

✺ You can make decisions with clarity, using the wisdom of your emotions to steer you in the right direction. Plus, you no longer feel the need to ask other people for input. You trust your gut and where it leads you.

✺ Becoming the nurturing parent to yourself that you always needed, and finding peace where there once was pain.

✺ Imagine juggling life’s demands without burning out—feeling balanced and energised, even when the world around you feels chaotic.

✺ And finally, picture gaining a deep understanding of ADHD and Autism, caring for yourself with compassion and clarity, and living a life that honours your unique needs.

At Zenso House, this isn’t just a dream—it’s the reality we help you create. Ready to make it happen? Let’s start this journey together.


At the core of my therapy services is ISTDP, a powerful approach that digs into the root causes of emotional distress. This isn’t just about surface-level change - ISTDP helps you uncover and process unconscious emotions, resolve inner conflicts, and break free from negative patterns holding you back.

  • Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP)

    At the core of my therapy services is ISTDP, a powerful approach that digs into the root causes of emotional distress. This isn’t just about surface-level change -  ISTDP helps you uncover and process unconscious emotions, resolve inner conflicts, and break free from negative patterns holding you back.

    • Emotional Exploration: We dive into your emotions to uncover what’s really going on.

    • Intensive Focus: Focused, time-limited sessions designed for big, meaningful breakthroughs.

    • Dynamic Techniques: We use a range of interventions to spark emotional breakthroughs and promote deep healing.




My therapy is for those who are ready to make a real change in their lives, even if you’re not quite sure where to begin.

If you’re ready to turn self-criticism into self-love, heal from the past, and take control of your life, then MY therapy is for you. Let’s work together to create a life filled with joy, clarity, and connection. I have helped 100’s of women and men to lead happy, nourished, and connected lifes.

At Zenso House, therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all experience. Together, we’ll set clear, personalised goals that align with your unique needs and aspirations. Whether you’re seeking to overcome anxiety, heal from past traumas, or find balance in your busy life, our focus will be on achieving the outcomes that matter most to you.

At the end of your therapy journey, the goal is for you to feel empowered, self-sufficient, and equipped with the tools you need to continue growing and thriving on your own. You’ll have a deeper understanding of yourself, healthier relationships, and a greater sense of peace and fulfilment.

  • From the very first session, we’ll dive into what you want to achieve through therapy. Whether it’s reducing anxiety, improving relationships, or simply finding more peace in your day-to-day life, we’ll work together to define specific, actionable goals that guide our work.

  • Therapy sessions are typically scheduled weekly or bi-weekly, depending on your needs and availability. This regular rhythm helps build momentum and keeps you progressing steadily toward your goals. As we move forward, the frequency of sessions can be adjusted to suit your evolving needs.

  • The length of your therapy journey will depend on the goals we set together. Some clients achieve their desired outcomes in a few months, while others find value in a longer-term approach. We’ll regularly review your progress, ensuring that our work together is effective and continues to meet your needs.

  • Therapy is a collaborative process, and your active participation is key to achieving the best outcomes. We’ll work together, but the real transformation happens when you take what we discuss in sessions and apply it to your everyday life.

Breathwork Integration:

Breathwork isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a game-changer. I integrate powerful breathwork techniques into my therapy sessions, whether you’re one-on-one or in a group. Breathwork helps regulate your nervous system, reduces stress, and sharpens your emotional regulation. It’s all about finding calm, clarity, and balance in the chaos of life. Plus, I offer private couples breathwork sessions too!


✺ Stress Reduction: Say goodbye to anxiety and tension with deep, mindful breathing exercises.

✺ Emotional Regulation: Boost your ability to manage and process emotions like a pro.

✺ Increased Awareness: Tap into a heightened sense of self-awareness and presence.





  • Eager to work with me? Hop onto our contact page and let us know how you’d like to collaborate. Heads up, though—my waitlist is currently 2 to 6 months long. Because of this, I am unable to take on clients with urgent needs, like those at risk of suicide or managing chronic health issues. If you’re in need of immediate support, your GP can help with referrals. But if you’re ready to wait, we’d love to hear from you!

  • To get started, book an appointment with your GP to create a Mental Health Care Plan and get a referral to a psychologist of your choice. Bring that referral to your first session with us, and we’ll help you claim your Medicare rebate right away. After your first five to six sessions, you’ll revisit your GP, and if it’s beneficial, we’ll request additional sessions for you (up to 10 per calendar year).

  • Booking with us is a breeze! Just give us a call at (07) 5627 0551 or use our contact page. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

  • Absolutely! When you make your appointment, let us know, and we’ll guide you through the process. Be sure to check in with your insurer to get all the details on your coverage.

  • You bet! Whether you're outside the Gold Coast or just prefer the comfort of home, you can still access therapy with us online. We love using Zoom for our sessions, and you’ll get a link the day before your scheduled appointment.

  • My fee is $320 for the first 50-minute session and $300 for follow-ups. The Medicare rebate for seeing a Registered Psychologist is currently $96.

    If you have private health insurance with mental health coverage, you might be able to claim with your provider, rather than use Medicare.

    We also offer extended sessions for ISTDP block therapy, ideal for those outside the Gold Coast or with tight schedules. These sessions range from 1.5 to 3 hours—chat with our admin team if this sounds like your thing.

  • I’ve got the expertise and experience to support you every step of the way. I hold a Bachelor of Psychology (First Class Honours) from The University of South Australia and a Master of Psychology (Forensic) from Bond University. On top of that, I have completed core training (3 years) and an extra 3 years of advanced training in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). Recently, I have added Breathwork Training to my skill set (you won't believe how much of a game changer this is until you try it), becoming an accredited facilitator.

  • ISTDP, or Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, helps us uncover how early relationships—like those with our parents—shape our present lives. Picture this: unresolved emotional wounds from the past can create anxiety and stress that seep into our current relationships, often without us even realising it. This emotional baggage can affect not just our mental health but our physical health too, leading to issues like heart problems, digestive troubles, and even a weakened immune system. ISTDP is about digging deep, facing those hidden feelings, and transforming them to live your best life.

  • ISTDP is a hands-on, interactive therapy where you and your therapist team up to identify how you experience anxiety and the defences you use to keep painful feelings at bay. By working through these emotions, you can reduce anxiety, change behaviours, and build healthier relationships.